“I wanted to turn my divorce into a positive. What if I didn’t blame the other person for anything, and held myself 100 percent accountable? What if I checked my own s— at the door and put my daughter first?

I didn't exactly want to get divorced...and I didn't not want to either....I was holding on to it because I thought I was supposed to. I was chasing after that happily ever after...that was my mistake.
I WANTED TO BE A CHAMPION FOR HER...this greatest gift he ever gave me....this precious human...how could I be such a failure to her..... but i knew deep down this was the journey I had to take to fully realize who I really was.
Dear daughter,
I understand now fighting to be in someone's life that did not want you was the most selfish thing I ever did. Nothing is perfect, so learn to let go of things and people who find you of no value so that they may find their happiness and most important so that you can move mountains on your own. You must learn to navigate and elevate to find your peace in life. Its not going to be easy and at the same time you will find yourself perfectly in sync. Just breathe and know that you got this....you can do everything that makes you happy as long as you know when to walk away from things that no longer serve you....and that's ok.