The women whom I love and admire for their strength and grace did not get that way because stuff worked out. They got that way because stuff went wrong, and they handled it.

I was not that girl that dreamt about the white wedding, picket pence and children. I always felt something calling me, I had that adventure vibe growing up. Wanting to discover, wanting to see and learn things wanting to go beyond whatever it was I thought I was missing. She was not a part of my vision.

When I met her dad I was thriving and living in Toronto, Ontario. Laser focused on my career at the time as a Casting Agent, it was pretty much, being on set, meetings after meetings, gym, martial arts training, sleep and repeat. Don't get me wrong, I went out, I had my girl squad we hit the clubs and it was always a good time. However, dating and longing to be with someone was never really important to me. Then one day, this tall dark and handsome drink of water appeared out of nowhere.

Looking back I can say, for me it wasn't love at first sight. But I was at a stage in my life where, friends were getting married, having babies and not to mention my parents were waiting on me to grow up and give them grand babies. He loved me, he really did love me, and so I accepted that love. He knew about her before I did, and it connected with my inner motherhood. So off with the birth control pills and 9 months later this beautiful soul enters the world. There is a missing pre story to this, in which I will share another time, as it was not an easy pregnancy journey. But for now, introducing "TSAI" the love of my life. She will never know how much I love and adore her. She introduced me to myself. She has brought from my times of darkness to the brightest of lights. She is the reason for my everyday hustle.